sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

My place and yours - blog casa matriz

Arrieta floral fantasy
I guess blog hq is the computer. This is my current screen foto.
I Love Arrieta Persa
Blog Casa Matriz
In our little compact depto, Flaite has acquiesced to my taking over this part. It still isn't enough room and often I have to put in for special permission to take over the kitchen bench and the couch and the coffee table and the floor and the bed...
But now it is time to pack up for a little while.
We are going to visit Melbs, the caravan and Cromwell
So I am trying to sell lots of lovely bags, tidy, then pack.
[There's more descriptions of the specific cosas over at flickr]
Desk cosas
Bunny brooch
Recuerdos y zines
mis zines
Shelf cosas
Recuerdos de Sur America
Desk cosas
Drinking memorabilia
Te quiero figuritas
Sarah Kay booklet discovered in a corner of Argentina.
There's lots if you want one.
Desk cosas
My sister sent me the old slide, in front of the miel.
It is definitely my mum and probably me, circa 1971

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Bolsas de Mercado...para ti

Bolsas have been selling well.
Almost all gone.
If you are in Australia or NZ and want to order one,
I have space in my suitcase.
Let me know
I will bring it over.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

Betaraga bake

Betaraga breakfast
Served here with fried tomatoes and fresh oregano,
a sunny side up huevo sprinkled with cumin and toasted marraquetas
Oh, Betaraga Bake...

1 x bunch of beetroot or about 4-5 fist sized beetroots, cooked, peeled and sliced
OR 2 x bags of cooked betaraga from the feria lady
about 1 cup plain yoghurt
about 1-2 cups grated parmigiano or pecorino or gauda or similiar
sprinkle of grated nutmeg
handful of breadcrumbs

In a baking dish make layers of
sliced beetroot then
drizzle of yoghurt then
nutmeg then
grated cheese then
beetroot until used up.
Finish with grated cheese then topped with a sprinkling of breadcrumbs.
Pop in the oven 15 minutes at 170C.
Serve hot, warm or cold later on.

Inspired by the uninspiringly named 'Beetroot and Cheese' recipe in Italian Vegetarian Cookery by Jack Santa Maria. So many tasty recipes with such unappetizing names.

¿será muy tarde para andar en bici?

from here
I wish I had been wearing my scarf and gorro when

I went to pick up this gorgeous print, on my bike.
It even started to rain but me and the art both got home
just before the gotas gigantes.
It was ace meeting Sol in her cool studio, full of illustrators and animators,
located on my favourite ciclovia on Marin.
She is having the lanzamiento of her book on Tuesday in Bellavista.

My place and yours - bedside

Bedside in close
The Good Bunny and the Evil Wolverine...my true alteregos jajaja
Goodnight kiwi bedside
Tidied bedside but very close to the truth.
Recuerdos from melbs, chile, el furgon, argentina, bolivia all close to hand.
I am slowly making my way through the book but it's suffering from late night negligence.
Learn spanish
Meanwhile I am distracted by the trashy revistas, entertaining zines and back issues of the SANFIC fim festival catalogue. Dictionary is to sometimes check words when Flaite is already asleep. He's my on demand dictionary. Easier than looking up words for myself.
Magazine stash is looking thin as I am in the middle of a new zine...cut 'n' paste tornado.
La niña bonita
The pretty girl looks out for the piedras from furgon travels...
Goat Promesa pink pompom
I want a degu but a goat would be ok too.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Snail mail between you and me

Between you and me post
between you and me I hope they never replace real postage stamps for those computer print out ones.

Between you and me mail
between you and me it can be really hard to find real stamps in this place but when you do they are pretty

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

El Furgoncito

Oh, it was a bit sad today to see the beloved kombi driven off by it's new germanic dueno..
yes, off on some new, other person's adventures...

thank you furgon for all the lovely places you took me and my friends x

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

She made me do it

A little while ago I made this.


It was an encouraging sign for Learning to Love you more, the now dormant project of the lovely Miranda July and friends. Still worth a visit and doing the fun activities, even if they are taking no more uploads.
It encouraged me to paint this on the grey grey wall of my bedroom garden.
Tree here please
When the bouganvillea and avocado trees are all grown up it will be hidden in the background and only we will know it's there.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

My place and yours - on the shelf

Not enough shelves in my place so I refashioned the unused radiator, with a street gleaned piece of timber, into much needed show off place for the ever growing stash of feria finds.
The poster is from Bolivia, the paua shell from kiaoraland, and the rest from Arrieta.

Except the creepy doll. She was from a local venta de garaje. The leery cover guy apparently looks like an unconfirmed chilean union leader. Why is he showing the bikini girl a rope? Raro.
And this is what it looked like before it was made into a proper shelf.
Ah, yeah...that'll be a radiator with stuff on it
, trying not to fall through the cracks.


Oh, a bandeja de frutillas por $3,800...casi 6.5kg.
Entonces, I made jam and Flaite made daiquiris.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009


With the shaking of heads, this is what I could see being mouthed by the punters at last night's Prefuse 73 gig. And it was. A sonic assault. Too much, too loud, too messy, too bad.
Got a bounce out of support DJ Raff with his eclectic cut ups and spanglish vocal samples with bass gruesa settling nicely on the walls and floors.
Latino and proud was the appropriate theme of the glimpsed hip-hop scene of this town. Worth further investigation.
Wish I could've stuck it out for DJ Acel

The old trole depot was the exclusive carpark and we were the first ones in...solo kombi in deserted, crumbling industrial warehouse overlooked by new 20 storey apartment blocks of Yungay. Makes me sad to see the trole tracks disappear into the road all over Santiago and reminiscent of cycling and dodging tram tracks in Melbs...these thoughts went nicely with the visuals of Prefuse 73 - trees being cleared by the giant jaw of a digger, eating its way across the forest floor. Only redeaming part of his performance...

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

Entre vos y yo

between you and me this could have some art in it, don't you think....
between you and me i have always liked containers
entre vos y yo siempre me han gustado los contenedores

between you and me necesito una taza de té

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Montevideo rocks!

It might be famous for it's thermos mate and beef but for me it was all about the gauchos, galletas, galerias, graf and a bit about gay pride.
Also biking, boating, bombas, Barrio Sur,
beautiful beaux-arts buildings, Carlos Gardel [yes, tango is uruguayan, ha!], Ciudad Vieja, candombe, coffee, Calle Canelones, locals with clear diction, sprawling ferias, AND AN OP SHOP [yes, just one but a real one...]
I found lots of treasures here but best of all was the portable red typewriter that I spotted on the top shelf
[who puts heavy typewriters on the top shelf!?] in the back room of the 2nd storey, [yes an oppy with 2 storeys]. Arriba.

Note: Aduana officials are curious but don't expect addtional delays when taking a typewriter in your carry on luggage.

Quote of the trip: "I thought it was just like NZ, reminded me of Dunedin a bit" [I guess 3.5 milion people, more sheep than folk, flag just like their large overbearing neighbour?]

Pics soonx