jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Montevideo rocks!

It might be famous for it's thermos mate and beef but for me it was all about the gauchos, galletas, galerias, graf and a bit about gay pride.
Also biking, boating, bombas, Barrio Sur,
beautiful beaux-arts buildings, Carlos Gardel [yes, tango is uruguayan, ha!], Ciudad Vieja, candombe, coffee, Calle Canelones, locals with clear diction, sprawling ferias, AND AN OP SHOP [yes, just one but a real one...]
I found lots of treasures here but best of all was the portable red typewriter that I spotted on the top shelf
[who puts heavy typewriters on the top shelf!?] in the back room of the 2nd storey, [yes an oppy with 2 storeys]. Arriba.

Note: Aduana officials are curious but don't expect addtional delays when taking a typewriter in your carry on luggage.

Quote of the trip: "I thought it was just like NZ, reminded me of Dunedin a bit" [I guess 3.5 milion people, more sheep than folk, flag just like their large overbearing neighbour?]

Pics soonx

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