viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

My place and yours - cinco minutos

Even a digger needs a siesta sometimes.
Five minutes peace and some dead hedge gone.
Just in time for the gale force winds.

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

My place and yours - wherever i lay my hat

Once again the only thing I manage this week is someone elses fun idea
These guys go with me everywhere.
Your alteregos should always be around to remind you of your
inner Good Bunny and Evil Wolverine.
And travelling along is a little packet of scissors, glue and pens
for instantaneous make sessions.
I am featuring the 'I heart NZ' pencil gifted from kazandy cos we are in
Kiaoraland now.
And I like it.
Actually, I like all those 3 things-the pencil, kazandy and NZ.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

My place and yours - that's nice, that's different, that's unusual

Well, it seems all I do here is play Mike's meme.
Nothing like a bit of discipline. Ha!

As I have been pretty far from my actual place but still having nice places to rest my often weary head, I am really relying on other people's places for now and for the next wee while.
This week I have been staying with my nana.
She has a lovely apartment. It is very neat and tidy.
And of course, always has plenty of food.

There is a dishwasher in the kitchen.
Quietly redundant but still very useful as phone table, envelope holder, pen place and naturally an extra pantry.
Innovative and fits this theme nicely.
Hooray for nanas!

Now I am off to do some renovations in Kiaoraland.
Chau por un ratito