sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

My place and yours - blog casa matriz

Arrieta floral fantasy
I guess blog hq is the computer. This is my current screen foto.
I Love Arrieta Persa
Blog Casa Matriz
In our little compact depto, Flaite has acquiesced to my taking over this part. It still isn't enough room and often I have to put in for special permission to take over the kitchen bench and the couch and the coffee table and the floor and the bed...
But now it is time to pack up for a little while.
We are going to visit Melbs, the caravan and Cromwell
So I am trying to sell lots of lovely bags, tidy, then pack.
[There's more descriptions of the specific cosas over at flickr]
Desk cosas
Bunny brooch
Recuerdos y zines
mis zines
Shelf cosas
Recuerdos de Sur America
Desk cosas
Drinking memorabilia
Te quiero figuritas
Sarah Kay booklet discovered in a corner of Argentina.
There's lots if you want one.
Desk cosas
My sister sent me the old slide, in front of the miel.
It is definitely my mum and probably me, circa 1971

8 comentarios:

  1. i LOVE your blog HQ..it ssoo coulourful and includes some vintage thingies too, i LOVE that!!

  2. Muchas gracias! Shame it just got stored away...for a little hiatus.

  3. wow. i love your desk and sweet little chair. What a fun, inspiring set up you have.


  4. Love it! You have collected so many wonderful things. Hope you have a great visit home. :)

  5. Gracias y gracias...voy al aeropuerto!!! x

  6. NO ONE has an HQ like you! It's fantastic! So many things we have never seen before. Full of life and colour and soul. What a completely interesting home you have! x

  7. So colourful - I especially love the slide!
